System and Security Info - Support
Frequently asked Questions

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I updated to iOS 10. Now the App shows a "Custom Jailbreak". Am I Hacked?
This is an issue with iOS 10. Apple changed some outputs of APIs. You need not be concerned.
We have an Update in the pipeline, but Apple rejects the App, so we cannot deliver it to you. If you want to know more please read our blog post.
I do not understand what the test results mean?
We have prepared a website that is explaining all the tests and what the results mean. In a future version of the app there will be a link leading you directly from every test to its description. However Apple keeps our updates blocked in review at the moment. Therefore take a look at our test descriptions.
The app says i am jailbroken but I was not aware of this.
If the app tells you that your device is jailbroken and you were not aware of this, because you didn't do this yourself, please contact us. If the app only tells you that it found some anomalies please read the test descriptions carefully. The test description will tell you if the anomaly is harmless or if you should contact us about this for further investigation.
The App found injected Libs. Do I need to worry?
That depends on the injected libs.
Most probably you have discovered a speciality about the accessibility functions of iOS and a few other features that can be activated. These work by injecting libraries into processes that are otherwise not loaded on iOS. The app therefore works as designed and expected: it notifies you about these injected libraries.
We have however received a lot of questions about this and therefore we have submitted a version (>= 1.0.3) of the application to Apple that will no longer consider these libraries injected. In the future only really unknown libraries will be reacted on. The new version is already in the state "in review" at Apple and hopefully will be out soon.
Apple injected libraries include, but are not limited to this list:
If they are not included or not stored in /System/Library, feel free to contact us.
I do not see the whole path of an injected library!
Libs do never end on /. Unfortunately the App does not show you that there is more to see. We fixed this and it will be released with the next version (>= 1.0.4).
If you use an iPhone, try to rotate it to landscape to see the whole path.